Town of Angelo Town Board Meeting Minutes 8-13-2024

Town Board Meeting 8-13-2024

The Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Leverich at 7:00 p.m. in the
Angelo Town Hall on August 13, 2024. All board members were present.

Supervisor Geier moved to accept the minutes of the July 9, 2024, meeting as found on
the website. Second by Supervisor Brown, motion carried.

Supervisor Brown moved to approve the holding tank for Mike Linehan. Second by
Supervisor Geier, motion carried. Chairman Leverich will meet with him in the morning
to get the paperwork signed and notarized.

Mrs. Richards was present and explained that both she and her husband have had and
still have health issues which makes the needed work difficult to accomplish. The board
will expect that the cars be gone in a month and the trailers which will need to be
disassembled and cleared at one a month. Progress will matter.

Ordinance Issues:
Ian Cleary: The lawyer will send a letter. There are some licensed, some not.

Tucker/Exline: Supervisor Brown is trying to speak with Mr. Tucker on his
property issues. The former renters moved some of the trailers and trash to behind the
old Olson house owned by Don LaBarre. Supervisor Brown spoke to Don who assured
him that the issue would be taken care of.

Devin Hahn: Mike Jamesson cannot verify ownership of the truck up on blocks.
A lawyer letter will be sent.
Crockers: nothing new.

Goodwater issue: Some items have been moved. Some are now covered by an
ugly blue tarp.

Disposal Center: Things are going well. No new issues.

Road Maintenance: Road work looks good. Inspiration is an issue now. It was
suggested that they have a good base done and let it go through the winter. We will need
a cost. A fence on the Jones property needs to be removed by the culvert. There are cattle in the pasture, so the matter needs to be discussed with the owners. The county denied the children at play sign on Gentry Road. They felt it gave a false sense of security.

Supervisor Brown moved to have Class B signs put on Ginger, Gillette and on Janus to
protect the roads. Second by Supervisor Geier, motion carried.

Mr. Mielke thanked the board for the road work accomplished.

Mrs. Brown explained that here is a committee to work on the trash along the roadways.

Supervisor Brown moved to approve the bills before the board. Second by Supervisor
Geier, motion carried.

Supervisor Brown moved to adjourn at 7:43. Second by Supervisor Brown.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Carlisle

Aug 13

8261 Frank Lamb 738.80
8262 Mary Carlisle 923.50
8263 Modern Disposal Systems 2,044.45
8264 Sparta Schools- mo ho park 27.91
8265 HDS Lawn Service – Evans 150.00
8266 Erv's Sparta Ares Fire Dept-loan 12,857.57
8267 Erv's Sparta Ares Fire Dept 19,003.50
8268 Erv's Sparta Ares Fire Dept-2% 5,477.37
8269 Carmichael & Quartemont 203.93
8270 Column Software -election 83.95
8271 Monroe County Hwy Dept 11,147.20
8272 Norb Brown – mileage/expenses 28.81
8273 Superior Lighthouse -website 281.50
8274 Rural Insurance -audit 73.00
8275 Catalis – Treasurer Program 389.55
8276 Mary Carlisle Supplies 116.26
8277 Luke Schmitz – Tree removal 50.00

8278 Command Central – supplies 52.25
8279 Moe Amundson -Flaig 83.50
Debit Oakdale Electric Coop 50.00
Debit WE Energies 10.23
Debit Xcel Energy 204.60
TOTAL                    53,997.88