Town of Angelo Town Board Meeting Minutes 7-9-2024
Town Board Meeting 7-9-2024
The Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Leverich at 7:00 pm. in the
Angelo Town Hall on July 9, 2024. All board members were present.
Supervisor Brown moved to accept the minutes of the June 11, 2024, meeting as found
on the website. Second by Supervisor Geier, motion carried.
Ordinance Issues:
Ian Cleary: A letter was sent last month, however the cars continue to collect.
Supervisor Brown will check in a month. The lawyer may need to send a letter.
Tucker/Exline: It maybe necessary to take Mr. Tucker to court. Mike Jameson
can verify the names of the other renters. They too could be taken to court. Lawyer
letters would go out first.
Devin Hahn: the truck on blocks is a concern. Mike Jamesson can verify
ownership before going to court. Supervisor Brown will check on July 25 th .
Crockers: nothing new.
Disposal Center: Frank would like some extra help occasionally to help people
understand the expectations. Jim Dewitt does work parttime and could come to help as
Road Maintenance: The county prep work should be completed this week. Supervisor
Brown will be discussing needed road work with Mr. Olmstad. Next November we
should remind the county to use less sand on our roads.
Bob Richards should be asked to come to the next meeting to discuss removing vehicles,
parts and pieces from the old Olson place. Are the vehicles with collector plates
Supervisor Geier moved to approve the bills before the board. Second by Supervisor
Brown, motion carried.
Supervisor Brown moved to adjourn at 7:36. Second by Supervisor Brown.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Carlisle
July 9, 2024
8242 Frank Lamb 761.42
8243 Jim Dewitt 161.61
8244 Mary Carlisle 923.50
8245 Modern Disposal Systems 1,965.58
8246 Sparta Schools- mo ho park 27.41
8247 Carmichael & Quartemont 180.00
8248 HDS Lawn Service -Evans 150.00
8249 Monroe CO.Highway Dept 5,188.10
8250 Sullivan Building Insp 1,196.49
8251 Monroe County- MFL 48.02
8252 Engelson and Associates 3,220.00
8253 Monroe County MFL 2021 439.41
8254 US Treasury 2,517.62
8255 B, Anderson Excavatiny 629.72
8256 Bureau of Correctional Enterprises 18.00
8257 John Van Tassel 400.00
8258 American Lock and Key 209.95
8259 Holloway Appraisal 2,400.00
8560 Sullivan Building Insp – seals 359.01
Debit Excel Energy 193.12
Debit Oakdale Electric Coop 49.00
Debit WE Energies 11.24
TOTAL 21,049.20