Town of Angelo Town Board Meeting Minutes 6-11-2024

Town Board Meeting 6-11-2024

The Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Leverich at 7:00 pm. in the
Angelo Town Hall on June 11, 2024. All board members were present.

Supervisor Brown moved to accept the minutes of the May 14, 2024, meeting as found
on the website. Second by Supervisor Geier, motion carried.

Ordinance Issues:
Tucker/Exline: Mr. Exline was present and it was agreed that work had begun
with much to do

Devin Hahn: the truck on blocks is a concern. Mike Jamesson can verify
ownership before going to court.

Lot #5 Amanda Williams had 4 unlicensed vehicles and is down to one.

Absalute Storage: The owners were present, and the issues discussed. They were
given copies of the ordinances and will work to comply.

Warner: A letter from the DNR to release both the town and the future owners
from liability is necessary. The ordinance was created due to the DNR.

The Ducharmes were present. They have been working to clean up the property
and will continue to do so, however there have been family problems which are more

Ian Cleary is collecting cars again. Clerk will send him a reminder.

Crockers hopefully will be sold this summer, which should solve the garbage
problem. Supervisor Brown will discuss the court order with the lawyer.

John Van Tassel spoke to the group explaining his business. He has helped at the
landfill. The board appreciates his work and will keep him in mind for future work.
There are no problems currently at the disposal center. Frank asked to have a couple
loads of gravel near the recycle dumpster. The board approved the needed gravel at the
last meeting.

Supervisor Geier obtained information from Modern Disposal on the cost of items accepted for disposal. The list is included.

Road Maintenance: Chairman Leverich will call on the work on Havenwood.

Supervisor Brown moved to approve the alcohol Licenses. Second by Supervisor Geier,
motion carried.

Supervisor Brown moved to approve the operator licenses before the board. Second by
Supervisor Geier, motion carried.

Supervisor Geier moved to approve the park licenses at the end of the month, if the park
is up to his satisfaction., Second by Supervisor Brown, motion carried.

Supervisor Geier moved to approve the bills before the board. Second by Supervisor
Brown, motion carried.

The Board expressed appreciation to Moe Amundson for replacing the worn American

Supervisor Brown moved to approve the bills before the board. Second by Supervisor
Geier, motion carried.

Supervisor Brown moved to adjourn at 7:58. Second by Supervisor Brown.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Carlisle

June 11, 2024

8231 Frank Lamb 724.02
8232 Mary Carlisle 923.50
8233 Modern Disposal Systems 3,042.92
8234 Sparta Schools- mo ho park 27.41
8235 Carmichael & Quartemont 330.00
8236 HDS Lawn Service -Evans 75.00
8238 Monroe Highway Dept 10,888.53
8239 Norb Brown – Mileage 14.74
8240 Sullivan Building Insp 848.20
8241 Sparta Are Ambulance Service 16,970.00

Debit Column – license Ad 43.08
Debit Excel Energy 193.21
Debit Oakdale Electric Coop 47.00
WE Energies 12.69
TOTAL 34,140.30