Town of Angelo Town Board Meeting Minutes 3-11-2025 – Draft

Town of Angelo Town Board
Meeting Minutes 3-11-2025

Note: These minutes are a draft until approval at the next town board meeting on April 15th, 2025

The Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Leverich at 7:00 p.m. in the Angelo Town
Hall on February 11th, 2025. David Geier was absent.

Supervisor Brown moved to accept the minutes of the February 11th, 2025, meeting as found on the
website.  Second by Chairman Leverich, motion carried. 2-0 Motion Carried.

Insurance Review was completed with Rural Mutual Insurance Company Lynn. Supervisor Brown
made a motion to accept the insurance proposal. Second by Chairman Leverich, 2-0 Motion

A review of the February 18th, election was discussed and items reviewed.

Town of Angelo now has a PO Box – PO Box 18 Sparta, WI 54656.

Property Layout changes for Subdivision Angelo Pond were discussed. A letter of agreeability will
be sent to the Sanitation and Zoning Committee. Supervisor Brown made a motion to approve the
updated sketch. Second by Chairman Leverich, 2-0 Motion Carried.

Simplified Tax quote was presented to complete payroll for the township as well as related
paperwork. Supervisor Brown made a motion to accept the proposal. Second by Chairman
Leverich, 2-0 Motion Carried.

Schneiders quote for maintenance for the furnace and air conditioner is tabled till next month when
entire board is present.

Audit review paperwork needs to be signed as the final step for the audit. Supervisor Brown made
the motion to have stated parties sign. Second by Chairman Leverich, 2:0 Motion Carried.

Motion was made by Supervisor Brown to accept the proposal from HDS Lawn Service for the
mowing bid for 2025 for the Town Hall and the school property. Chairman Leverich seconded.
Carried 2-0.

Ordinance Issues:
Heintz Property: No action taken
Crocker: Junk vehicles have returned with pickup truck full garbage and privacy fences surround the
campers that appear to be inhabited. Norb Brown will contact (Carmichael & Quartemont SC) to
review probate date and discuss future actions.
Tucker: Situation is better but will continue to be monitored.
Ian Cleary: Vehicles issues are present. Continue to review.
Richards: General trash and junk cars are still an issue. Continue to review.
Mobil Home Park – Everything looks good!
14078 Co Hwy I (LaBarre – owner has renter): Continue to work with LaBarre for clean-up.

Disposal Center: Review of hours. Road grading is needed for some potholes.

Road Maintenance:  Supervisor Brown will be attending a working group for a trash pickup meeting.
The road tour time and date will be set soon.

Public Comment – Park safety issue was a concern. This will also be reviewed at the future road

Supervisor Brown moved to approve the bills before the board. Second by Chairman Leverich, 2-0
Motion Carried.

Supervisor Brown moved to adjourn at 7:45 PM. Second by Chairman Leverich. 2-0 Motion Carried.

Respectfully Submitted,
Angela L. Bunker Clerk-Treasurer


8377 Frank Lamb 591.04
8378 x Angela Bunker 1,231.33
8379 David G. Gaunky (Elec W) 62.50
8380 Janet Evans (ElecW) 100.00

8381 Gary Peterson (Elec W) 232.50

8382 Ruth Beckler (ElecW) 96.88
8383 Toni Polkoski 106.25
8384 x Modern Disposal 2238.82
8385 x CNA Surety 297.50
8386 x Holloway Appraisal 4,600.00
8387 x Rural Mutual Ins 4,381.00
8388 x Monroe Co Hwy Dept 5,502.76

8389 x Monroe County – Dogs 687.00
8390 x Schneider 1,451.99
8391 Carmichael &Quartemont 330.00
8392 Column Software PBC 88.33

8393 Jim Leverich Furn Filter 8.95

8394 Angela Bunker Supplies 272.04

8395 Monroe County Clerk 600.00
debit Xcel Energy 270.58
WE Energy 189.16
debit Oakdale Electric 103.00
Totals 23,351.63

February Totals are Tentative Until February 2025 Tax
Settlements are completed on 2/17/2025

February Totals 582,497.80