Town of Angelo Board Meeting Minutes January 2021

Town of Angelo

Board Meeting



The Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Treu at 7:00 p.m. in the Angelo Town Hall on January 9, 2021. All board members were present.


Old business:

Mike Watters and the county agreed to his culvert and the county explained how it should be done.


The road sign project is continuing.


There are no new road maintenance issues.


The Command Central contract and the new voting machine purchase was discussed.  The Board wants the residents to be sure that their votes are accurately counted.  There is no internet access, and the original ballots are collected and can be counted if necessary. The purchase will continue.


The board has requested a bid for curbside pickup from Modern Disposal Systems.  We will need to determine the cost of the current system.


Supervisor Brown moved to approve Jeff’s bonus. Second by Supervisor Leverich, motion carried.  Jeff lost two of his cameras.


The town hall maintenance plans were reviewed.  The possibility of sound deadening for the large room was discussed. Chairman Treu will explore the possibilities.


Supervisor Leverich moved to approve the bills presented before the board, second by Supervisor Brown, motion carried.


The residents present were concerned about plans to be able to enforce our ordinances.

The board plans to meet with the town lawyer to discuss amending and or updating four of our ordinances.   They had thought that there would be four steps to be taken. 1. warning letter with x days to correct. 2. fine. 3 larger fine.  4. citation.    It is important that the cost is not put on the town.  We want to know how the cost is captured.  Can it go on the taxes?  Can the wording be so created that a dollar figure is not part of the ordinance? No issues should be grandfathered in. How should create the documentation.


Supervisor Brown noted the possibility of a sanitary district for the town as discussed in the Town’s association magazine.  That issue will also be discussed with the lawyer.


A special meeting will be held after meeting with the lawyer.


Supervisor Leverich moved to adjourn at 8:17. Second by Supervisor Brown, motion carried.



Respectfully Submitted,



Mary Carlisle



Approval of bills for payment


7596 Jeff McGinnis 375.87
7597 Mary Carlisle 923.50
7598 Modern Disposal Systems 1,972.28
7599 Sparta Area Schools 51.76
Debit Oakdale Electric Cooperative 52.97
7601 LandNav Software – Treasurer’s program 350.00
7602 Monroe County Herald 82.00
7603 Command Central 550.00
Debit WE Energies 105.58
Debt Xcel Energy 183.07
7604 Mary Carlisle –-supplies 113.66
7605 Monroe County – Jan Settlement 159,055.89
7606 Sparta Schools – Jan Settlement 265,296.81
7607 WTC- Jan Settlement 41,905.23
7608 U.S. Treasury 941 921.83
7609 Doris Seekamp –over payment of taxes 512.40
7610 Jason & Carrie Erdman – over payment – taxes 59.13
7611 Dept of Revenue – mun manf 32.78
7612 Larson Packaging – Garbage Bags 2,630.23
7613 Frank Lamb 111.75
7614 Citizens First Bank  paid in wrong town 7,056.51
7615 Holloway Appraisal 8,000.00
7616 David Alger – over payment of taxes 154.18
7617 Tracie Brandau-over payment of taxes 14.05
7618 Monroe County Highway Dept. 7,770.05
7619 Arnold’s Service and Towing- Fire Extinguisher 8.25