Town of Angelo Board Meeting Minutes for 12-14-21

Town of Angelo

Board Meeting Minutes


The Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Treu at 7:00 pm., in the Angelo
Town Hall on December 14, 2021. All Board members were present with Supervisor Leverich
participating by phone.

The minutes from the November 9, 2021 meeting were reviewed and accepted as posted on the

The new home on Janus will need to provide an adequate turn around for school buses and
emergency vehicles. Unfortunately he had not gotten a driveway permit which would have made
requirements known.

Ordinance violations:
Blooming Ministries does not have a court date so far.

Highway 16 has 3 less vehicles , 1 more will be removed and 2 others will be hidden in
the back They have about 400 old tires which would cost about $1000 to remove. They are
hoping to find a less expensive way to dispose of them.

The Board asks the clerk to send them a letter with a 30 day extension.

Ian Cleary has a few less cars, a trailer with appliances on it and a dumpster. He did not
come to the meeting and provide an update on the progress. The clerk will send a letter with a
30 day extension to bring into compliance or legal action will begin. The agreement with Albert
was that he could keep his vehicles out of sight behind a fence, Ian could move the vehicles out
of sight.

Harmony appears to have much of the garbage cleaned up. There are tires which would
need to be removed . 1 car is gone and 3 still remain. There is no business on file there to repair

Infield is cleaned up.

Mr. Tucker had been sent a letter regarding the homes on Co. I/ Chairman Treu moved to have
Supervisor Brown contact the lawyer. Second by Supervisor Leverich, motion carried.

The Board will need to look at the citation penalties so that the Town’s costs can be covered.

The Disposal was closed early and Mary spoke to the attendant regarding expectations.

Supervisor Treu will ask the County or B. Anderson to clean up the disposal center. He will
give Jeff time to remove things he wants. If the attendants want items they will need to remove
them after each day.

The Board will take no action on the ambulance contract at this time. They feel that we should
know what other municipalities are paying. We want to pay our fair share.

Supervisor spoke to the county on the road issues: speed limit on Gillette, ditch on Janus and
gravel on Gardener.

The Town Hall roof is complete. The safety light needs to be replaced and two rugs.

The driveway on Hilltop has washed out.

The snow plowing was slow this snow fall. The snow was very heavy and our county equipment
is getting old. Perhaps we need to explore working with other towns to effectively plow the

Supervisor Brown moved to approve the bills before the board. Second by Chairman Treu,
motion carried.

7757 Golden Eagle Roofing 12,424.96
7758 Golden Eagle Roofing 12,424.97
7759 Jeff McGinnis 294.59

7760 Mary Carlisle 923.50
7761 Modern Disposal Systems 2,323.80
7762 Sparta Schools- mo ho park 43.15
7763 H.D.S. Lawn Service 1,060.00
7764 Carmichael & Quartemont 125.00
7765 Carmichael & Quartemont 187.50
7766 Monroe Hwy Dept 2,987.90
7767 Frank Lamb 152.38
7768 Bureau of Correctional 17.00
7769 Sullivan Building Insp 50.00
7770 Town Of Angelo 5.70
Debit WE Energies 87.01
Debit Excel Energy 183.43
Debit 66.47
TOTAL 33,357.36

Supervisor Leverich moved to adjourn at 7:50. Second by Supervisor Brown.

Respectfully Submitted

Mary Carlisle