Town of Angelo Board Meeting Minutes 12-10-2024

Town of Angelo

Town Board Meeting Minutes


The Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Leverich at 7:00 p.m. in the Angelo Town Hall on December 10th, 2024. All board members were present.

Supervisor Brown moved to accept the minutes of the November 12th, 2024; meeting as found on the website.  Second by Supervisor Geier, motion carried. 3-0 Motion Carried.

Mr. Tom Connell stated his interest for .28 acres in Angelo parcel #004-00048-7500.  Supervisor Brown made a motion that the if the interested parties take care of the surveying and legal paperwork for this parcel resulting in no cost to the town of Angelo the parcel will be deeded to the parties involved.  Seconded by Supervisor Geier.  3-0 Motion Carried.

Ordinance Issues:

Heintz Property: No action taken.

Crocker: Continue to monitor and review.

Ian Cleary: Vehicles issues are present.  Continue to review.

Tucker: Supervisor Brown to continue follow up.  Situation better but still needs improvement.

Devin Hahn: Follow up will continue.

14078 Co Hwy I (LaBarre – owner has renter): Continue to work with LaBarre for clean-up.

Richards: General trash and junk cars still an issue.  Supervisor Brown will follow up with a letter.

11781 Goodwater: Supervisor Brown will follow up throughout the month of December

Disposal Center:  Discussion on mattresses, refer people to take mattresses to MDS.  There are also several trees that will need to be removed in the future.

Road Maintenance:  Road work looks very good.  Review of Class “B” sign postings.  Discussion on Gillette Ave – Chairman Leverich will conduct legislation follow up.

General Caucus: Date set for Saturday, January 11th, 2025, 9 AM

Brief discussion took place on the election audit.

Supervisor Brown moved to approve the bills before the board. Second by Supervisor Geier, motion carried. 3-0 Motion Carried.

Supervisor Geier moved to adjourn at 7:59 PM.   Second by Supervisor Brown. 3-0 Motion Carried.


Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Carlisle

Clerk-Treasurer  ( Angela L. Bunker – Filling in for Mary Carlisle)

December 10, 2024
8318 Void
8319   USPS   tax bills 534.29
8320 Frank Lamb 753.58
8321 Mary Carlisle 923.50
8322 Modern Disposal Systems 2,147.81
8323 Sparta Schools- mo ho park 27.91
8324 Monroe County Parks 500.00
8325 Monroe Co. Hwy 7,716.34
8326 HDS Lawn Service 1,000.00
8327 Sullivan Building Insp 100.00
8328 Bureau of Correction Enterprises 74.00
8329 Moe Amundson 52.50
8330 Eileen Gajewski 45.00
8331 Jeanne Mielke 45.00
8332 Gary Peterson 45.00
8333 Janet Evans 37.50
8334 Toni Polkoski 37.50
8335 Mary Carlisle – supplies 261.43
Debit WE Energies 120.98
Debit Xcel Energy 211.94
Debit Oakdale Electric Coop 70.00
TOTAL 14,169.59