March 2020

Town Board Meeting                     



The Town Board met on March 10, 2020 in the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.  All Board members were present with Supervisor Leverich participating by phone.

The minutes of the February 18, 2019 meeting were read with no corrections.

Three people have shown interest in the Streeter property.  The sale of this Town asset will be on the agenda at the Annual Meeting in April.  It will be put out for competitive bids possibly with a performance bond and qualification of the bidders.

No one from the Snow Subdivision was present.  The current plan still shows a cul-de-sac which is not acceptable to the board.  They will not accept the road if it has a cul-de-sac.   The road would have to have a good base and be double sealed.

The bid from Rural Insurance was presented.  Supervisor Brown moved to remove the disposal center hut from the policy.  Second by Supervisor Leverich, motion carried.  Supervisor Leverich moved to table the discussion to the April meeting. Second by Supervisor Brown, motion carried.

Weight bans are on the roads and issues will be dealt with one at a time.

The culverts on Gardener need to be completed.  Since the County will not be able to do the work in a timely manner, the Board will need to collect bids for the project.  The County has the plans.

The highway meeting on March 20th will be discussing a plan to reduce the need for so many signs regarding ATV use.

A letter needs to go out to the Vians concerning their fence.

Supervisor Brown moved to approve Jeff’s bonus for February.  Second by Supervisor Leverich, motion carried,

Supervisor Leverich moved to have the recycle items go into the compactor. Second by Supervisor Brown,  Currently recycled items will go into the landfill.  Putting them through the compactor will save the town money.  The current recycling expectations should continue.

The municipal court is tabled.  Judge McAlpine suggested that Board use an experienced lawyer.  The Chairman will ask for a recommendation for the DA.

Superior Brown would like changes to the current nuisance ordinance.   The Board will ask the new lawyer for his advise on these changes.  The Board would like a cost plus legal fees.

Supervisor Brown would like the name of Blooming Ministry’s owner and used his name in the legal letter…demanding clean up by July 1,2020 with enforcement to follow.

Supervisor Brown moved to approve operator licenses for Lisa Green and Eric Funkhouser .

Second by Supervisor Leverich, motion carried.

The road tour hopefully will be schedule for the end of this month.  They hope to include the County.  They will be addressing the closure of Gillette to Highway 21, Alan and Sandra Smith’s septic issues, Luke Schmitz water issues,Peterson culvert, snowmobile trail along Hat and damaged culvert.

A resident’s concerns about water problems were directed to Allison Elliot.  Her response is a concern.

Supervisor Brown moved to approve the bills presented before the board.  Second by Supervisor Leverich, motion carried.

The Chairman will ask about the Town street lights and if there is a more efficient light.

The Chairman certified the Town Boundaries and will sign the paperwork for the audit.

The Clerk is requested to get the forms so that Supervisor Brown can sign the checks.

Supervisor Brown moved to adjourn at 8:23 p.m.  Second by Supervisor Leverich, motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Carlisle,


 7412 Jeff McGinnis 406.37
7413 Mary Carlisle 923.50
7414 Modern Disposal Systems 2053.40
7415 Sparta Area Schools 77.00
7416 Oakdale Electric Cooperative 49.14
7417 B Anderson Excavating 459.20
7418 Department of Correction  ( 911 sign) 16.67
7419 Jared Carlisle- Hall Supplies 77.88
Debit WE Energies 96.41
Debt Xcel Energy 191.92
7420 Mary Carlisle –-supplies 15.41
7421 Monroe County – Jan Settlement 140,024.04
7422 Sparta Schools – Jan Settlement 233,408.87
7423 WTC- Jan Settlement 36,728.44
7424 U.S. Treasury 941 927.72
7425 Earl Forbush –over-payment of taxes 1068.80
7426 John Van Tassel- over payment of taxes 984.08
7427 Dept of Revenue – mun manf 33.21
7428 Command Central 770.00
7429 Jeff McGinnis – heater 101.64
7430 GCS Software 330.00