5-19-2020 Annual Meeting

Town of Angelo Annual Town Meeting



The Annual Town Meeting was held Tuesday, May 19,2020 at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall.  All town officers were present and 14 town residents.  Steve Treu chaired the meeting.  Mary Carlisle acted as Clerk.


The Annual meeting was moved from the third Tuesday in April to May 19,2020 due to the limitations of the virus.  There is no agenda for this meeting as it is the residents meeting.


The Board plans to meet with the County for a road tour.

Concerns:        Hilltop Road  – Van Tassel

Janus  –  L. Schmitz

  1. Smith  –  Holding Tank

Snow mobile trail along Hat with Damaged Culvert

Glenwood Road

Sign on Transpiration

The economic impact of the virus will mean that we need to do only the necessary repairs.


The Board will need to increase the levy for the Town to pay for the fire department loan and the cost of the reassessment.  There will be meetings on this later in the year.


Concerns about the cost for the fire department were discussed.  The fire department is responsible for the municipal buildings, schools and churches.  There should be  responsibility for the tax exempt properties.


The recycling issues was of great concern.  Since the recycled materials were put in the landfill, the Board moved to have all materials put through the compactor to save money.


Chris Hanson moved to have clear bags for recycling materials. Second by Amy  Weissenberger. Jim Leverich wanted further study.  The vote was 8 to 8.


Jim Leverich moved to place Chris Hanson on the Disposal Committee  The committee will make recommendations to the Board.  The Board will have the ability to move on the recommendations. Second by Moe Amundson, motion carried.


Residents felt there should be a reduced speed limit in the residential areas for safety reasons.

Al Schlaver moved to lower the speed limit on Hat Ave. for ATV/UTV vehicles to 15 mph. Second by Laura Bolden, motion carried.  The club will do the signs.

Residents on Goodwater wanted to have the speed limit reduced.  Enforcement is an issue so the Board will look into speed bumps.

At the last annual meeting the purchase of the Streeter property was approved.  There are interested people in purchasing the lot.  The Board wants the buildings removed and a nice residential lot created.  Marla Leverich moved to authorize the Board to sell the property and buy it back to clean the property up for residential sale to be completed within one year.  Second by Chris Hanson, motion carried.


Residents would like a website or a facebook page .   Mrs. Evans was appointed chairman.


The Fort Mc Coy on Haven signs are down and a hazard.


Marla Leverich moved to adjourn at 8:35.   Second by Al Schlaver, motion carried.


Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Carlisle