Town of Angelo Board Meeting Minutes for 10-12-21

Town of Angelo Board Meeting Minutes

October 12, 2021

The Town Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Treu at 7:00 pm. in the Angelo
Town Hall on October 12, 2021. All Board members were present.

The minutes from the September 14, 2021 meeting were reviewed and accepted as posted on
the website

Previously brush was allowed to be deposited at the disposal center after natural disasters.
Times have changed. There is room at the center and it can be burned during the winter.
Supervisor Brown moved to allow brush to be deposited at the Disposal Center. Second by
Supervisor Leverich, motion carried. Supervisor Leverich moved to create a compost location at
the Disposal Center, Second by Supervisor Brown, motion carried.

Brian Anderson graded the Disposal Center drive.

Disposal Center decisions will be discussed at the Annual meeting. The clerk will create an

The County will provide replacement of the road signs. The Town would be responsible for the
labor and any posts needed to be replaced. Supervisor Brown moved to budget $4600 for the
replacement of the road signs. Second by Supervisor Leverich, motion carried.

Supervisor Brown moved to use the County standards for road construction as standards for the
Town roads. Second by Supervisor Leverich, motion carried.
Supervisor Leverich moved to accept Impact Road as a Town road. Second by Supervisor
Brown. Motion passed by a roll call vote – all yes.

The water issues on Harness and Harmony will be discussed in November.

The hill on Hilltop road will need work. The board will budget $8000. $35,000 will be
budgeted for repairs on Inspiration.

The Chairman will remind the county that we want a 45 mph sign on Gillette.

The cul-de-sac on Goodwater will have to be placed on the next years budget.

Supervisor Brown will discuss with the lawyer on how to proceed with the nuisance issues. The
deadline for cleanup is past for the Infield Road Problem.

Supervisor Brown has created two standard letters to be sent as the first step. The resident on
Highway 16 will be sent one. Crockers, will get a 30 day notice, Blooming Ministry has been
sent to court. A current, confirmed list of license plates from the Collin’s property is necessary
for the lawyer to proceed. The Richard’s property is in the extraterritorial area. The City should
be able help with this problem.

Supervisor Leverich moved to approve Jeff’s bonus. Second by Supervisor Brown, motion

Supervisor Brown will look into the County’s plans for broadband.

Supervisor Leverich moved to approve the bills before the board. Second by Supervise Brown,
motion carried.

The cost of the ambulance service is of great concern and will be investigated.

Supervisor Leverich moved to adjourn at 8:40. Second by Supervisor Brown.

7728 Jeff McGinnis –wages 223.49
7729 Mary Carlisle – salary 923.50
7730 Modern Disposal 2,492.90
7731 Sparta Schools-mo ho park 43.15
7732 Carmichael & Quartemont 802.95
7733 US Treasury 699.67
7734 Monroe County-( MFL) 48.18
7735 Monroe County Highway 19,561.91
7736 Sullivan Building Insp 894.80
7737 Frank Lamb 223.49
7738 void
7739` Command Central 950.00
7740 River Bank – Fire-replace 12,072.00
7741 Carmichael & Quartemont 128.32
Debit Oakdale Electric 39.44
Debit Xcel Energy 174.64
Debit WE Energies- hall 11.75
TOTAL $ 39,290.30
Respectful Submitted,
Mary Carlisle