Town of Angelo Board Meeting 11-15-2022

Town of Angelo

Town Board Meeting


The Town board met at 7;58 on November 15, 2022 in the Town Hall. All board members were

The minutes of the October board meeting were accepted as posted on the Website.

Supervisor Leverich moved to approve the 2023 budget as discussed and changed. Second by
Supervisor Brown, motion carried. The additional funds would come from the town savings.

Road plans will be discussed next month. The ARPA funds could be used to maintain the roads
in the Disposal Center.

The current town culvert policy requires an 18” culvert and that the Town replace failing
culverts. Not every situation calls for an 18 inch culvert and if a resident puts in a used culvert ,
the life expectancy maybe not be what a new culvert can be excepted to provide.

Supervisor Leverich moved to have the culvert sized by the board and the county design. The
culvert would be purchased and replaced, if need be, by the landowner. Second by Supervisor
Brown, motion carried.

The Crocker court case gives the owner until December 3, 2022 to clean up the property. The
board can then have the property cleaned up and the costs go on as a judgment on the property.
Law enforcement would be on duty while work is being done. The cold weather may complicate
things, but what could be done should be completed. Impound costs need to be investigated.
Taking violators to court is very costly. Town residents should not have to bear the costs. It is
suggested that the citation option be used. The fines need to be determined at the December
meeting. Village powers need to be explored.

Supervisor Leverich moved to approve the addendum to Ordinance 101. Second by Supervisor
Brown, motion carried. Paperwork, signed.

There are two ordinances regarding building near the landfill. The clerk will find the second

911 issue will be on the December agenda.

Supervisor Leverich move to approve the operator license for Tyna Jaeger. Second by
Supervisor Brown, motion carried.

Motion by Supervisor Leverich to approve the bills for payment as presented before the board.
Second by Supervisor Brown, motion carried.

Supervisor Brown moved to adjourn at 8:30. Second by Supervisor Leverich

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Carlisle

7943 12.87
7944 Monroe County Herald 20.58
77945 231.25
7946 218.75
7947 231.50
7948 Gary Peterson 175.00
7949 32.50
7950 Patsy Brown 32.50
7951 Monroe County Unit of WTA 120.00
Debit 45.28
Debit WE Energies 27.26
Debit 185.95
TOTAL 7976.57