Town of Angelo Annual Meeting Minutes 4-19-2022

Town of Angelo Annual Town Meeting Minutes 4-19-2022

The Annual Town Meeting was held Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. at the Town Hall.
Steve Treu acted as Chairman and Mary Carlisle acted as Clerk.
There is no agenda for this meeting as it is the residents meeting.

The Financial Statement was presented. Moe Amundson moved to approve the financial
statement. Second by Al Schlaver. Motion carried by an unanimous show of hands.

Use of the ARPA fund were discussed. We are able to take the standard allowance and use it for
6.1, government services. The County will give us a ballpark quote for the culvert projects and
the completion of the Gardener Road project. The plan for use of the funds must be reported by
the 30th of April.

No improvement has been seen at the Crocker property on Harmony Road. No responsible party
resides there. Norb will discuss this with our lawyer.

Residents are very pleased with the clean up of the Infield property.

The clerk is asked to send a letter to the mobile home park owners asking for clean up of the
park. Also a letter to Mr. Tucker giving him a month to finish the clean up of his property and
removal of the camper. There has been some improvement.

Ian Cleary reported on his work to clean up the property. He is making progress slowly with a
long way to go. The Board appreciates the updates at the meeting. He plans to repair the fence
and move items behind it.

The tires are a health hazard concern on the Stelter property.

Moe Amundson moved to pay the prevailing rate for mileage to reimburse board members for
ordinance enforcement work. No actual accounting is required and would be retroactive to
January 1, 2022.
Manfred Mielke moved to amend the motion to have reports submitted monthly. Second by Moe
Amundson. Approved by show of hands.
Manfred Mielke seconded the entire motion. Motion passed by unanimous show of hands.

The Town residents chose not to vote on the ATV/UTV request, leaving it to the Board.

The Town will pursue recovery of expenses for damage to Imperial, Janus and Impact Roads.

Al Schlaver moved to adjourn. Second by Jeanne Mielke

Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Carlisle

Residents Present:
Norb Brown
Al Schlaver
Mary Carlisle
Jim Leverich
Steve Treu
Kathy Treu
Ian Cleary
Maurice Amundson
Jessie Williams
Jeanne Mielke
Manfred Mielke